Hello my dear readers as i'm posting my new article to my blog. In this post i would like to share my opinions and experiences about Nargile(hookah or smoking pipe) and how to prapere it at home. So it would be good to begin as to determine the Nargile and it's history and operation system. First let's understand what is nargile..the definition should be;
"A nargile is a single or multi-stemmed water pipe for smoking tobacco" . So as my first mission to tell you that as you can see as long as we use it for smoking tobacco(we don't have any option) it's DANGEROUS for your health. So as to continue i can say it's a "little" more less dangerous than t
he cigarrete. The thing is as i will mention in the next secitons, nargile uses a w
ater filter which obsolates the bad effects of tobacco smoke. Let's continue with the nargile and what it looks like;
Nargile is mainly based on two important parts, as one of it is called bottle which we put water as a filter and the second important part is body. In the picutre below you can see two different parts of the nargile;
On the left side you can see the bottle of my own nargile which i'm using it daily. As i mentioned before, the purpose of this bottle is to hold water and when we smoke our nargile, to provide a water filter to the smoke.
On the rigt side

you can see two different types of body(which we call "SER" in Turkish). The main goal of the body is to make your nargile work. As you can see one of it is made of brazen and the other one is made of iron. My suggestion to you, if you want to buy a nargile it should definetely be a iron or silver one to get the great taste of nargile and to get effectiveness from your nargile. So on the picture you can see two holes. The hole on the bottom side(which one is bigger) is used to put "lüle(the equipment where we put tobacco)" and the small one is where we put the "pipe". The important thing when choosing the body of your nargile if you are going to use it at home to be sure that the table(the round side just un
der the big hole) to be big as it provides shelter to ash which falls from tobacco as you smoke your nargile. So let's continue with other parts of nargile which are lüle, pipe and cover.
So here we go with lüle;
Lüle is the part where you put your tobacco and put your coal to smoke your nargile. In Turkey we have two different(actually three but for home use only two types) types of lüle. One made out of clay and the other one is made out of porcleain. In the pictures below you will see the two different types of lüle and after that i'll explain the differences and advantages.
This one on the top you can see 6 lüles which are made out of clay. These kinds of lüles are good for commarcial use but most of the people also uses it at their home (like me). The main advantage of this one is, they can hold more tobacco and it gives you better taste as it absorbates heat more quicker which is the key fact of smoking nargile. But when using this kind, you must be cautus as once you use it a certain type of tobacco(melon,cherry,apple etc.) you should keep continue using the same kind with that one. Otherwise, you will not get the exact taste from your tobacco as the flavours mix to each other.

And the other type is one which is made out of porcleain. The most certain advantage of the porcelain made lüle is it's much more easier to clean than the clay made one. As you can see on the left side this one is also one of the lüles which i use at home. The main disadvantage of this
kind is they can hold less tobacco than the clay made ones which means that your nargile will finish sooner. But the main advantage is you can use different types of tobacco as it doesn't mix the tastes. So it's less expansive choice rather than clay made one.
*But the most important part is to clean your lüle and nargile after each time you smoke it. Espacially with hot water. So let's continue with the other part which is the final part...the pipe.
In Turkey we call it "marpuç". The main role of it as we all can guess, is to make nargile work and let us smoke it. It looks like a long pipe which you can see on the left. The point on deciding which one is to buy is buy a big one and test it before you buy as if it's losing some air. Because the key fact in nargile is not to let it lose any air from the system. This one on the left is made of leather and it's a quite good one to choose. So let's get preparing
our nargile with me to smoke.....

But before we proceed to prepare our nargile, i'd also like to mention about the tobacco and coal which we will be using to prapare our nargile. First the tobacco. Let's make the difference as the normal tabacco and nargile tobacco is compeletely different. So don't try to use ordinary tobacco. And after that the choise of the
tobacco. The best tobaccos for nargile(with fruit flavour) come from Egpty so if one of your friends visits Egpty don't forget to ask for him/her to bring some tobacco. The most common flavours for the tobacco these days are cherry,apple,cappuchino, coconut, mint, melone etc. The tobacco looks like a sticky and juicy mixture. So pay attention when using tobacco as you can make paint some places around by mistake. On the left side you see an ordinary nargile tobacco which has apple flavour. And so far the best tobacco i tasted are apple and capuchino. So this is the end of part I of the nargile and i'll be right back with part II which focuses on how to prepare it. Stay with me.